UPDATED: SUN 02.24.12 @ 11:30AM
9 films is a lot. Have you seen them all? We’re devout movie geeks here and collectively we’ve seen them all but have very different opinions. Click the link below to see our picks for the big statue, and let us know which film you think will take home the coveted golden man. We’ll be posting all weekend and into Oscar night, so come back often, we’d love to hear from you!
Geek For E! – Oscars 2012, Our Two Cents (and we’re looking for change…)
Sunday, February 24, 2013 – 7:00PM EST (ABC)
Who I Want To Win: Argo
Who Will Win: Argo
UPDATE: 02.24.13 @ 11:30AM – OK, I went back to re-watch Argo and maybe the deep watch was the best watch because it got better. It was strange watching the 70’s because I kept thinking ‘if they had the internet they could connect info so much faster.’ And then in the 3rd act where the Iranians are putting the pieces of the escape together, I was comforted by teh fact that technology was so slow. Just insane. I also caught Life Of Pi. Off the charts in the visuals, great narrative to go through and its message of God on different theological levels is to be applauded but it wasn’t a truly great movie. It did look good though.
That leaves ‘Silver Linings’ and ‘Les Mis’ which I’m going to aim for at least one of them before wheels up tonight @ 7. Speaking of wheels up, Flight? Denzel? Geez, I hope this film quietly goes away including his nomination. I bet even he isn’t happy about this nod. A character that you just grew to loathe. Maybe a true loathing is warranted teh nom but he’s so much better and does done so much better than this.
I have to confess, with 3 days left, I haven’t seen them all. I’m trying but it’s tough. That being said, of the five I’ve seen (Argo, Lincoln, Beasts Of The Southern Wild, Django Unchained, Zero Dark Thirty), it’s pretty easy to make the choice of those even though none of them I would say I’m dying to win. In my defense of missing a few, I did try to catch Les Mis last weekend with my wife, but it was sold out and we saw Identity Thief instead (which was very good btw).
If I had to pick of the five, it would be Argo. I liked what I saw and I’ll always be a ‘Big Ben’ Ben Affleck supporter. Sadly, ZDT was too exhausting, Lincoln was lacking (at least to me and don’t get me started on Day Lewis as Lincoln), Django was a comical joke, and Beasts, while oddly visual (sometimes a steadycam is a good thing Director Zeitlin!), was an explosion of NatGeo centered around a girl who was spot on at conveying emotion (good Oscar nod for her, but I don’t think she’ll get it – great job for such a young ‘un though).
I think the best lies in what I haven’t seen. I really want to see Life Of Pi, Silver Linings (and I’m a diehard Philly fan from Philadelphia!), & Les Mis. Left out Amour? What can I say, i’m not big on french dramas with subtitles. I did peek at a few scenes when I got the opportunity but what I saw didn’t grab me. I am super psyched to see Life Of Pi if for nothing more than the visuals. Director Ang Li hooked me with Crouching Tiger and The Hulk – I like his film style, his eye. I just might get to that and the others this weekend before Oscar night so check back and see if I’ve updated my choices.
What are yours dear Reader?
Who I Want To Win: Argo
Who Will Win: Argo
Sometimes the sexy pick isn’t the clear cut winner as other would lead you to believe; Lincoln, Les Miserables – looking at you. Then there are those movies that were just a bit overrated but are getting nods because of their director; Django Unchained, Life of Pi – yeah, you two…over here please. And then there are the ones that tackle a real world subject but are presented in a dramatic way; Argo, Zero Dark Thirty come on down.
My selection for the 85th Academy Awards nomination of Best Picture is ….Argo! It’s been cleaning up in the other awards shows – Golden Globes, People’s Choice, Nickelodeon Teen Choice, Westminster Dog Show – and it will add this one to a very lengthy and respected resume.
Who I Want To Win: Silver Linings Playbook
Who Will Win: Argo
Well, there’s who I wish could win (and that’d be the amazing documentary Searching For Sugar Man, a film that got a Best Doc nod but who will probably lose to the also good but not as inspiring How To Survive A Plague in that category) vs. the film that probably will win.
Since Sugar Man ain’t in this category – but should be, dammit – my “should win” goes to Silver Linings Playbook. Just put my vote right there next to Tatiana’s. I still have hope that this year will be a year of crazy upsets and sweeps by “lesser” (read: not helmed by the big shots) films. However…it’s most likely an Argo evening. With Ben Affleck getting snubbed in the director’s category – yet nabbing the prize at the DG awards – I’m betting the Academy will try to make it up to him with a win here.
Oh, and shout out to the Simpsons and their nom for Best Animated Short! The Longest Daycare was funny, smart and sweet. Yeah I know, I was surprised too. Hope they get a statuette….
Who I Want To Win: Silver Linings Playbook
Who Will Win: Silver Linings Playbook
In my dreams, a film like Silver Linings Playbook would win the statue. I know that next to a Speilberg or Bigelow movie this may seem like an odd choice– I’m sure a lot of people are wondering why it even made the list. However, I am a fan of honest movies with happy endings. Why does the Academy always have to go for obscurity, violence, and sadness? Life has a way of making that stuff happen all on its own, why torment ourselves with it on a screen? I liked that Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper– actually, the whole cast– were damn near insane. It was genuine and I felt like I could relate. I can’t relate to a CIA operative torturing Bin Laden’s main men, and I certainly can’t relate to a young man traveling by boat with his tiger. Sure, I want to learn more about Lincoln’s last days and I think both Tony Mendez and Django are pretty bad-ass characters. Still, in keeping with the desire of having real, yet upbeat (ala former winners like A Beautiful Mind and Slumdog Millionaire) flicks winning the Oscar, I choose Silver Linings Playbook all the way. I’m such a romantic.
Rock, how could you not pick Django? It was funny and it had a great story.
Madelik! What can I say, I thought it was too far fetched. I think the nomination is part of the expansion away from 5 films to make the Oscars telecast gain more viewers. Waltz was amazing right up until his character did the seemingly dumbest thing in the world in the 3rd act. And it stretched believability when Django rolled out the old South after killing about 20 good ol boys – he would have NEVER left that house alive, believe you me. Fiction? Of course, but too far fetched for some of us, including me. Thanks for chiming in buddy.