A last minute Baltimore movie screening is never a bad thing is it? Free tickets to a an upcoming movie for all of you fine folks.
Geek for e has the opportunity to give away a few tickets to Man On A Ledge starring Elizabeth Banks and Sam Worthington.
Make sure you show up early so you and your date can sit together!
Good luck winning the tickets.
In this edge of your seat, heart-pounding thriller, MAN ON A LEDGE, ex-cop Nick Cassidy (Sam Worthington) stands on the ledge of a New York City hotel after an impossible escape from prison. Is Nick a desperate man or does he have a hidden agenda? As fellow NYPD officer Lydia Mercer (Elizabeth Banks) tries to talk Nick off the ledge, she discovers that Nick may have a plan in the works to prove his innocence and dig up one of the force’s biggest conspiracies.
To win passes to our latest screening:
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SeaBiscuit,,, favorite Elizabeth Banks movie !!
“Zack and Miri Make a Porno” is my favorite Elizabeth Banks movie.
40 Year Old Virgin is my favorite Elizabeth Banks movie.
Seabiscuit..nice movie
Slither is my favorite Elizabeth Banks movie, sadly most people have forgotten about it or never saw it
Seabiscuit definently
W. – Laura Bush role
My favorite Elizabeth Banks movie is “Definitely, Maybe”.
My favorite Banks movie was ‘Role Models’
I think this should be a good thriller!
Which would be your favorite movie of banks though?
I liked watching Elizabeth banks in the Spiderman movies.
My favorite has to be 40 year old Virgin, but the Next 3 days is underrated! Just saw that movie and it actually was pretty good!
Spider man movies.
This movie looks like it is going to be awesome! One of my favorite movies that Elizabeth banks played in was Spiderman.
I loved her as Beth in The 40 Year Old Virgin
Definately Maybe
I had a hard time remembering the roles that Elizabeth Banks has played, but after looking at her filmography, my favorite movie among those that she has acted in has to be 40 Year Old Virgin. That movie was hilarious.
Zach & Miri
Role Models
Just saw Zack n Miri. So its my current fave.
40 year old virgin
I loved Elizabeth Banks in the movie ” Our Idiot Brother”..I thought it was sooo FUNNY
Intense & exciting. Looks like my kind of movie.
40 year old virgin
Liked her in The 40 Year Old Virgin AND Zack and Miri Make a Porno.
40 yr old virgin was the only movie i remember E. Banks being in
our idiot brother and 40 yr old virgin was my favorites of ELIZABETH BANKS
My favorite Elizabeth Banks’ movie: The Next Three Days because it was a great departure for her after doing comedies in recent years! I definitely want to see this movie!
Hard to pick a favorite as she is really diverse & talented but I think Zack & Miri Make a Porno rates #1 with The Next Three Days a close second
Definately Zack n Miri make a porno.
Looks like a good movie.
I liked her in The 40 Year Old Virgin!
I really liked her in The Next Three Days
I liked her in Definitely, Maybe.
Spider Man 2
Zack and Miri.