J-Lo returns to the big screen in a hot new thriller as Claire Peterson, a recently divorced suburban school teacher whose world is turned upside down after a mistaken indiscretion with the boy next door.
This highly anticipated suspense thriller is rated R for violence and nudity so be aware of who you bring!
Keeping this one simple people – post a selfie with you and ‘the boy next door’ (to our Facebook post only!). That’s right, he could be a friend, a lover, or even a random scary looking stranger who passes your selfie lens at just the right time. Got photoshop? Get creative. The 35 posts we LIKE are automatically placed on the RSVP list which gets you and a guest admittance.
Fine Print: (Contest submissions will be accepted til FRI 01.16.15)
1) Not sure why we keep needing to repeat this, but this is the last time. If we cannot message you on Facebook, we can’t alert you to winning. You must open that security and we are not Facebook Admins to show you how.
2) No substitutions. We are not a hostess at the local theater. If you win and choose not to go, we understand. You aren’t hurting our feelings, nor will we desperately seek to fill your spot. We also won’t swap your name for a buddy because you can’t make it. Don’t ask, it won’t be answered.
3) Your RSVP listing does not guarantee your seat. Arrive early. When the theater is full, it is full. (and with J-Lo showing it all…we’re guessing this one will be full!)
I would like tickets for The Boy Next Door. Thank you.