Geek For E!

Movie Review: Hope Springs

Hope springs eternal in the human breast;
Man never Is, but always To be blest:
The soul, uneasy and confin’d from home,
Rests and expatiates in a life to come.

– Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man

Hope Springs, the movie where Tommy Lee Jones just says no to Meryl Streep.  Is the man insane?  Well, in a world where “Grey Divorce” rates are climbing, a film that looks at longstanding relationships is definitely a timely one.  Luckily, Hope Springs is buoyed by brilliant performances by it’s leads and a script that doesn’t pull any punches.  It’s a wonderful look at the ins and outs of a couple that has spent over 30 years together and still have a relationship worth rooting for.

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Movie Review: Total Recall

First off, I never saw the 1990 original. Yeah, I know. But there it is. So I am going to crank through this movie as a newbie to the story. No, the ending hasn’t been spoiled for me, and I am as shocked as you that I’ve managed to miss that all these years.

What I do know: the original Total Recall is about a huge steroidal dude who may or may not be a killer/spy/Bad MoFo. But at the start of the film he is just a schmo that has always wanted to visit Mars. (It’s the future, so that’s a thing.) Since our schmo doesn’t have the money to actually go to Mars, he visits Total Rekall, a place that can remember it for you, wholesale (shout out to  Philip K. Dick short story that these films are based on). But our hero has what can be graciously called an atypical experience, and soon it’s a hunt for what’s real and what isn’t. Oh yeah, there’s an alien chick with three boobs and the world’s most permanent divorce.

How does this re-imagining stack up to the little I know about the first film?

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Movie Review: Ruby Sparks

Pygmalion.  My Fair Lady.  Born Yesterday.  Pretty Woman.  Trading Places.  She’s All That.  The the original Pygmalion myth — and it’s themes of personal identity and the perils of idolizing something you’ve created — has been a go-to story for ages.  You’d think there wouldn’t be a single new way to spin it, but Ruby Sparks manages to breathe life (ahem) into this classic story.  While it may be more fairy tale than fable, the Ruby Sparks can proudly stand beside the best of these re-interpretations thanks to a brilliant performance and screenplay by Zoe Kazan (It’s Complicated) and a skilled touch by co-directors Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris (Little Miss Sunshine).

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Movie Review: Step Up Revolution

Why would anyone in their right mind want to go see another one of these Step Up movies? The characters have no depth, the storylines lack originality, and the writing is just plain awful. Fine, maybe I can’t be considered in my right mind for enjoying them so much. I am a sucker for anything that involves dance—I’ll just put that out there now. I will expose myself to an inordinate amount of cheese if there is even a chance for one out-of-this-world dance sequence. The dancing in Step Up Revolution made me want to go back to Miami, jump up on a car, and start Crumping on Ocean Drive. Bottom line is, these movies make you want to get up and dance and you aren’t in YOUR right mind if you don’t enjoy feeling that way! For people like me (and the millions of other people watching these flicks), the creators of the Step Up franchise knew exactly what they were doing. This summer’s installment was no different.

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Movie Review: The Watch

Raunchy, potty-mouthed humor!  Famous guys we love to watch making asses of themselves!  The Watch, the latest boobies, booze & bros comedy is heading your way, and this time there’s gonna be an interstellar throwdown.  Is this The Hangover: Who Invited The Aliens?  Well kinda.  And it kinda rocks.  Oh yeah, and this movie may be manly, yes, but gals will like it too.

Evan (Ben Stiller) is a kindly pain in the ass.  You know the dude in your neighborhood that is in charge of just about every neighborhood group, the fella who is a bit too in-your-face to be truly neighborly?  Yeah, that’s Evan.  So when something bad goes down at the local Costco, Evan — who just so happens to be the manager of that Costco, thankyouverymuch — decides to form a neighborhood watch.  The problem is, only three guys show up to the first meeting.  Bob (Vince Vaughn), an overprotective dad with quite possibly the coolest Man Cave ever; Franklin (Jonah Hill), a guy that never got over not making it onto the police force; and Jamarcus (Richard Ayoade, from the hilarious BBC show The IT Crowd), a guy who is new in town and just wants to hook up with an asian chick meet new people.  Needless to say this watch is more about drinking and hanging out than security.  But when the guys stumble upon real, honest-to-goodness aliens, they need to step up or face the destruction of the world.

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Movie Review — Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry

In a world full of information, how do you figure out what’s truly important?  How do you make sure you learn about the world if there are parts of that world that are hidden from view?  Artist and political/social dissident Ai Weiwei (as his name is Chinese, his “surname” is first, and his “first” name is second, got it?) shines a harsh light on the Chinese Government’s corruption, cover-ups and lies, at great personal risk.  All the while creating art that is as breathtaking in it’s complexity as is the man himself.  Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry takes viewers through the most harrowing years of Ai’s life, showing not only the man but the injustice that lead him to act.  It’s a powerful, thought-provoking film that demands to be watched.

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The Dark Knight Rises Movie Review

We all know who the Batman is, but does Bruce Wayne really know?

The Dark Knight Rises is a movie of questions and of struggles. Society as a whole, a man and his inner deamons, a woman on the brink of something huge and a thief looking for a clean slate.

This is a movie with a comic book character in it, not a comic book movie.

Bruce Wayne has become a hermit in his many roomed mansion for the past 8 years since he took the fall for Harvey Dent’s atrocities. Alfred has always been the loyal servant but is growing painfully weary for Bruce. The Batman has not been seen in years and even Bruce struggles with who he is and should be. [Read more…]

The Amazing Spider-Man Movie Review

When I was nine I received a paperback graphic novel titled “The Amazing Spiderman.”  I devoured it.  It recounted the origin of one of my favorite all time super heroes.  One I could truly relate to, not the most popular kid, into science, let’s say just a “touch on the fringe.”  I remember imagining that I, too, possessed these powers, the ability to walk up walls and have super strength and lightening reflexes.  I also remember the trouble I would get into for leaving black footprints on my parents’ fresh hallway paint while trying to exercise my spider wall climbing ability.  This was of course one of the innocent modalities of youth which I’m sure many of us have experienced.  But alas, we must grow up.  We must set aside our innocence and the pleasantries of ignorance and go out into the world where there is no such thing as radioactive spiders, at least, not the kind that grant us superpowers.  We must inevitably face the reality that life has real challenges and heartbreak and loss.

The metamorphosis from youth to adulthood is what Marc Webb attempts to capture with his rebooted vision of “The Amazing Spider-man.”  This feat is managed reasonably well despite some rather lazy plot devices and undeveloped character motivation.  And while Andrew Garfield owns the role of Spidey, crawling carefully from Tobey Macguire’s shadow, he lacks some of the powerlessness we come to expect from Peter Parker.  I, for one, actually enjoy this grittier version. [Read more…]

Movie Review – Magic Mike

It’s been a while, but I’m back with another movie review and this time I got the chance to see the highly anticipated Channing Tatum tour-de-force known as Magic Mike. Some of you are probably thinking that I drew the short straw in the office pool in getting this movie. And that may in fact be the case…usually because I’m never at the Geek for E Offices so I never know what straw I’ve drawn. So I took my lumps like a man and said that I will review Magic Mike. Why? Because I have a girlfriend that has been wanting to see Magic Mike since we saw the first preview on TV six weeks ago. And being the good boyfriend that I am, I’ve asked my girlfriend to attend the screening with me and help with the review.

This had to be the first screening I’ve attended in a long time where they waited till every seat that could be filled was filled. No woman was left behind in getting to witness Magic Mike. The anticipation to see this movie is huge (no pun intended) and to my girlfriend this was the movie of the summer…she was as excited to see Magic Mike as I was when we went to see The Avengers.

Sit back, relax, please don’t throw dollar bills at the review, and get ready to read The Good, The Bad, and The Girlfriend’s Take about Magic Mike!

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Movie Review: Ted

There are movies that you know are gonna be fantastic.  Then there are movies that you hope will be fantastic, but you have a sneaking suspicion Hollywood could really screw the pooch on this movie with little to no effort.  I was definitely in the latter camp with Ted, but fortunately it’s a good-time film that will make Seth MacFarlane fans very happy and leave everyone else in the theater with a ton of off-color laughs.  Does it kinda feel like a two hour live version of tv’s Family Guy?  Well, yeah.  But we’re talking about the story of a living, toking (no, I didn’t mean talking, though he does that too) teddy bear here, so that’s not a bad thing.

Picture this: a beautiful Christmas Day in Boston.  Snow on the ground, kids bundled up tight against the cold, Patrick Stewart’s soothing Shakespearean voice narrating the festivities.  And a little boy wishing on a Christmas star that his beloved teddy bear could be his living, breathing best friend forever.  Ahh, Currier & Ives, right?  Uh, back it up a sec.  This is, after all, Seth MacFarlane’s Boston, so you know something’s coming.  Sure enough, before you can say “isn’t that sweet?”, there’s a flurry of crude, made all the funnier by Stewart’s deadpan delivery.  The crude, unapologetic humor only snowballs — taking a winter motif and running with it y’all — from there.  As the years go by, little John Bennett and his pal Ted go from sweet playtime buddies to beer-n-bong bros.  Cut to present day, and John’s girlfriend of 4 years wants John to grow up and not spend so much time (getting stoned) with Ted.  Let’s see how far that gets her.

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