Nutshell: If anyone walks away from Concussion without grieving for those who suffered/are suffering from CTE? They’re dead inside. Amazing performances by actors playing affected football players (most especially David Morse as Mike Webster) bring this issue straight into the feel center of the brain. The rest of the movie is too light a touch, possibly because it tries to cover CTE, Omalu’s love story with his now wife, and the Big Bad that is the business of sport. Still, this film takes the real-life subject matter and makes it easy to understand, and Smith’s performance is genuine, if not a bit too heroic. Grade: B-
“I’m just asking back what I gave….Help me.”
I have to admit I’ve made my share of “bell-rung jock” jokes in my life. Y’know, the whole “he’s barely coherent, look at him — one too many tackles” kinda jabs. Ha ha funny, right? Sure. When it’s simply a jest at the expense of musclebound moneybags who are laughing all the way to the bank, with not a care in the world beyond a bone or muscle injury that could sideline them. [Read more…]