First things first. I don’t see Roland Emmerich movies because it’s Shakespeare (he’s done ID4, 2012, Day After Tomorrow, Godzilla). I see them because he’s got a great visual eye for giving us world destruction playing out on the big screen (and in IMAX no less). How he was snubbed in 2009 for even an Oscar nomination for Special Effects for ‘2012’ is beyond me…especially considering the Academy can nominate up to 5 films in each category, and that year (2009), they only slid the nom to 3 total films, and ‘2012’ – which had some of the most amazing detail in death and destruction I’ve seen on the screen, was snubbed for even a nod. That aside, he’s charging back with Moonfall, a far-reaching story about an intrepid team of astronauts and star gazers who are convinced that the moon is in fact, not the shiny glowing white ball we’ve thought it was all these years. Not just that, but’s its orbit around the earth is way off, and in just mere weeks, it’ll crash into the planet. Yikes! Awesome setup for sure, and as you can expect worldwide mayhem ensues with an eye-pleasing display of destruction peppered throughout, but sadly, the film misses. Not because it rehashes some very similar elements from the film ‘2012.’ Including the family dynamic and sacrifice – but really because its just too unbelievable. Even if we could hatch the on-screen plan to save us, this is America – we would botch the execution and then the laughable response to the crisis by the military in the film wouldn’t be so bad. Did I mention that our 3 heroes have hatched their plan to ‘grab a space shuttle’ and go up to the moon…all by themselves? Yikes, again. See this for the effects on the big screen. See it because Halle looks super-cute in her wig and easily slides through this subject matter. Heck, even see it because the comic relief character (aka Samwell from Game of Thrones, John Bradley), is a delight as a fervent, if not neurotic astronomy lover. The film does touch on overall creationism with an intriguing theory that had me thinking (no spoilers), for that, I give the film a plus. But even that can’t save this one. Fearless forecast: 18M weekend box office (IMAX prices!) C+
I found it entertaining. & enjoyed it.