You know it’s hard to reboot a videogame into a movie with the right formula. Many have tried and failed (anybody ever see Super Mario Bros?), but hats off here because this Sonic works and borrows just enough visible cues from the game to make this a delight for the 6, 16 and even 60yr olds of the world – and that’s no small feat. The story centers on our blue hero who is chased from his home world and into ours only to be comically and relentlessly hunted by the evil Dr. Robotnik (of course it’s Jim Carrey, who else could portray a methodical genius and a haphazard buffoon at the same time!). Aiding Sonic on Earth is an upstart Montana town Sheriff James Marsden (Cyclops of X-Men fame) who struggles with his place within a small Montana town and yearns for some action. When Sonic and Robotnik hit the scene, we’re all treated to a videogame style melee that hits all the marks. I was truly surprised at how enjoyable and just plain fun this was to watch. I’m even going all-out on my fearless box office forecast: It will be #1, it will beat Fantasy island & The Photograph on its way to a $40M+ box office weekend. A- (why a minus? Just something about the demographic makeup of the fictional town of Green Springs, Montana – but it’s a movie, so I’ll let it slide)

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