Geek For E!

Movie Review: Chronicle

Superheroes!  Zap!  Biff!  Pow!  They seem so put-together when they’re covered in spandex, but as we all know from Smallville, it takes a while to get from having powers to being super.  Chronicle is the latest “Found Footage” film to hit the theaters, and it shows three boys trying to become super-men after they get their powers on.  It’s a film with tons of trippy, amazing scenes of superhero derring-do, but all the special effects in the world can’t cover for a weak storyline.  As a wannabe comic book nerd, I’m bummed that a movie that came up with such a great premise failed to deliver a movie I cared about past the closing credits.

Remember high school?  You either hated it, or it was the Best Time Ever and now you’re pumping gas or ghostwriting YA novels.  Andrew, the male version of Carrie White of his local high school, has just bought a camera and has decided to film his day-to-day life.  Cool burnout cousin Matt thinks that’s a lame way to hide from the world (and hey, it kinda is) but since Matt has no real interest in spending time with his cuz beyond the token morning ride to school, it’s a non-issue.  That is until senior class uberdude Steve finds something in the woods during a party Matt dragged Andrew and Andrew’s camera to.  When these three guys head down the rabbit hole — literally — they find something way cooler than Peter Parker’s radioactive spider.  The next day, they’ve got powers.  Powers that seem to get stronger and stronger every day.  But the guys react to these powers differently; wanna guess what happens when they stop getting along?

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