Traveling back in time is genetic for Tim. But he’s charming, and so is this film. Plus, Bill Nighy!
More about this film after the jump!
I was concerned when I saw the description of this film. Time travel, co-starring Rachel McAdams? Haven’t I seen this before? But About Time has two things going for it; Richard Curtis (Notting Hill, Bridget Jones’s Diary) at the helm and a more-than-romance storyline that is truly engaging.
Good ol’ Tim comes from a long line of time travelers. Seems that they get the blessing/curse on their 21st birthday. Luckily, Tim’s dad is Bill Nighy there to help him navigate through the strange, and before too long Tim has the hang of it. Good thing too, because he’s just met his perfect girl (Rachel McAdams, as the funny and enchanting Mary).
About Time looks like a romantic comedy from it’s teaser trailer, but don’t be deceived. It deals with other topics as well as including the bond between father and son and the push-pull of sibling attachments (Tim’s sister Kit-kat doesn’t share his ability). Curtis lays the main theme on thick – all the time travel in world won’t help you if you’re not present in each moment – but if you’re reading this far into my review Ima assume you’re a fan of his quirky, sentimental ways.
And in the spirit of keeping this moment brief, so you can enjoy the rest of your moments today; About Time is a lovely little film. Go see it with friends, or your main squeeze. Just don’t be surprised if you have a hankering to chat with your family right afterwards.
I really enjoyed the movie. It was very touching and funny.